Repayment of grants, loans, and tax benefits, 560.075
Economic development board, creation, members, terms, 15.155 (4)
Economic development program, 560.17
Health development council, 15.157 (8), 560.185
St. Lawrence Seaway, study impact, 560.08 (2) (a)
Small business:
Early stage business investment program, 560.205
Encourage, and ombudsman clearinghouse, 560.03 (9)
Encourage participation in statewide purchasing program, 16.75 (4)
Technology commercialization grant and loan program, 560.275
Small business environmental council, 15.157 (10), 560.11
Small business regulatory review board:
Creation, membership, 15.155 (5)
Powers and duties, 227.24 (3m), 227.30
State-local affairs, duties, 560.04
Tax-exempt bonds, allocation of volume cap on, 560.032
Technology-based economic development, 560.90 to 560.93
Technology zones, 560.96
Wisconsin development fund, 560.61
Administration, 560.68
Miscellaneous and administrative expenses, 560.607
Grant and loan criteria:
Generally, 560.605
Policies and standards, 560.602
Rules, 560.685
Wisconsin investments, 25.17 (70), 560.08 (2) (m)
Women-owned businesses, certification, database, 560.035
Women's business initiative corporation grant, 560.037
Definitions, 560.9801
Community development block grant programs, 560.045, 560.9809
Homeless persons, transitional housing for, 560.9806
Local housing organizations, 560.9805
Low and moderate income persons, 560.9803
Department may designate agent for, 560.9804
Homeless persons:
Federal funds for, dept. to administer, 560.9815
Grants to alleviate homelessness, 560.9807
Shelter facilities, grants for, 560.9808
Transitional housing, grants for, 560.9806
Loans to low and moderate income persons, 560.9803
Department may designate agent for, 560.9804
Strategy plan for state, dept. to develop, 560.9802
Amusement rides, approval and inspection, 101.12
Anhydrous ammonia, regulation, 101.10
Liability immunity, 895.555
Arsenic in wood, review of hazards, 93.80
Automatic fire sprinklers:
Apprentice fitters, registration, 145.16
Contractors and journeymen council; creation, membership, terms, 15.157 (9), 145.17
Fees for licensing of contractors, fitters, journeymen, 145.08
Inspectors, 145.17
Installation, licenses, 145.15
Maintenance only registration, 145.165, 145.175, 145.18
Temporary permits for contractors and fitters, 145.18
Boiler and machines, inspection, 101.17
Fees, 101.19
Building inspector review board:
Creation, membership, 15.155 (6)
Duties, 101.596
Buildings and construction, regulation, see Buildings
Carbon monoxide detectors, rulemaking, inspections, 101.149 (6), (7), (8)
Cigar manufacturing, 167.22
Combustible liquids storage:
Groundwater fee, 101.14 (5)
Rules, enforcement, 101.09
Definitions, 101.01
Electric fence standards, 101.18
Electricians, journeymen; licensure, 101.87
Elevators, escalators, and other conveyances:
Conveyance safety code council:
Creation, membership, 15.157 (14)
Duties, 101.986
Construction, installation, alteration; permits required, 101.983
Definitions, 101.981
Enforcement and penalties, 101.988
Installers, maintenance providers; license and supervision required, 101.984
Qualifications and procedure, 101.985
Safety code, 101.982
Employees' right to know law, 101.58 to 101.599
Energy; alternative local source systems, standards, 101.175
Fire department dues, compilation, payment, 101.563, 101.573, 101.575
Fire prevention, 101.14
Fire protection systems law, 145.17 (2)
Fire sprinklers, see Automatic fire sprinklers, under this subhead